
Taking an investment approach to grantmaking, the Foundation funds organizations where we feel we can add lasting, measurable value.

As a private, independent, nonprofit entity, the Foundation awards grants only under the direction of its Trustees on the basis of our guidelines, project merits and availability of funds. We use a comprehensive approach to determine whether our collaboration and investment can add value and will measurably improve the applicant’s impact. Our selection criteria focus on the overall organization, the project being proposed and the project’s likelihood of success. Outlined below are the organizational requirements, sector priorities, and geographical boundaries that govern our funding.

Organizational Requirements

All grant applicants must have:

  • Current 501(c)(3) public charity status
  • Operating budgets of $1 million or more
  • Proposed projects budgeted at $100,000 or more

Sector Focus

The Foundation supports non-profit organizations making high impact in the following sectors:

  • Arts & Culture
  • Conservation
  • Education
  • Health
  • Social & Economic Mobility

Geographic Focus

The Foundation considers influential community projects from organizations in regions around Fidelity Investments' employee sites in the listed metropolitan areas. Organizations of national importance and high-impact projects with potential to inform the nonprofit sector are also of interest.

  • Albuquerque, NM
  • Boston, MA
  • Raleigh/Durham, NC
  • Covington, KY/Cincinnati, OH
  • Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX
  • Denver, CO
  • Jacksonville, FL
  • Jersey City, NJ
  • Merrimack, NH
  • Smithfield, RI
  • Salt Lake City, UT

The Foundation seeks to work with organizations on strategic, transformative projects that have the potential to substantially increase the grantee's impact, efficiency, or long-term sustainability. These capacity-building projects fall into three areas:

Capital Investments

These are large-scale projects central to the overall health and sustainability of the applicant, such as new construction, renovations, expansions, and other initiatives that support the organization's strategic vision.

Planning Initiatives

This includes funding for project consultants to develop strategic, business, feasibility, technology, and other types of plans.

Technology Projects

These are high-impact technology initiatives that can substantially increase an organization's efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability.

Projects may include the development of front and back-end office systems; performance measurement systems; online functionality; and financial accounting, inventory management, point-of-sale, and other business systems.

Organization Type

Grants are not made to start-up, sectarian, or civic organizations; disease-specific associations; or individuals.

Project Type

Grants are not made for operating support, sponsorships, galas or benefits, scholarships, corporate memberships, or video and film projects.

Capital Campaigns

The Fidelity Foundation is a resource for capital campaigns that have already demonstrated significant constituent and community support by attracting at least half of the goal. The Foundation is not generally a lead or majority donor to capital campaigns.

Emergency Funding

The Foundation's goal is to strengthen the long-term effectiveness of nonprofit organizations. As we most often work with organizations undertaking major initiatives to reach new levels of achievement, we are not typically a resource for emergency or immediate funding.

Multi-Year Grants

We see an organization's ability to attract a broad range of support as a key sign of its strength and sustainability. As our funding program is intended to strengthen nonprofit organizations, we generally do not make successive-year or multiple-year grants.


While the Foundation is not a resource for event sponsorship, volunteerism, community initiatives, or in-kind support, Fidelity Investments' corporate offices may be. Please visit Fidelity Corporate Sponsorship for more information.